Which Part of your Home is the Dirtiest?

February 16, 2018 by Andre

What is the Dirtiest Part of the Home We all love a clean home, but sometimes we just don’t have time to get elbows deep in the cleaning process. Today we are going to talk about the dirtiest parts of... View Article

Radiant Home Cleaning is awarded Best of Yelp Sticker

January 13, 2018 by Andre

Burke’s Best Home Cleaning Service wins Yelp Award We are excited to announce that we were awarded the 2017 “People Love Us On Yelp” award this year. We couldn’t have done this without our amazing clients and our hard-working staff.... View Article

Cleaning with Hydrogen Peroxide in the Home

July 26, 2017 by Andre

Using Hydrogen Peroxide as a Cleaning Product Hydrogen Peroxide is most commonly known for being an antiseptic, but did you know it can be used for much more than that – specifically Cleaning with Hydrogen Peroxide? You can actually add... View Article