April 20, 2018 by Andre
Your home may look clean to the naked eye, but the odds are that the furniture, objects, and items in your home are contaminated with different types of bacteria invisible to the naked eye. The grime on your shoes, the debris on your mattresses, and the moisture emitted from a hot shower can create a small “heaven on earth” for germs and germ growth. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that your home is currently teeming will all kinds of gnarly things! It’s of paramount importance for you to ensure that your “humble abode” goes through a thorough cleanup on a molecular level frequently.
So, Which rooms in the house are dirty?
If we are going to be honest, all the rooms in the house have the potential to be the perfect haven for germ growth. However, the rooms that generally come to mind when speaking about “the dirtiest rooms” include the bathroom, the kitchen, the laundry room, and the living room. Additionally, germs can also be found in appliances, home items, and utilities such as remote control, phones, tablets, computer keyboards, door and stove knobs, light switches, refrigerator and microwave handles, and countertops. You should always clean those specific items every now and then with disinfecting wipes. But back to the dirtiest room…
Your bathroom is a place where you scrub dirt and grime off your body. And, as we mentioned earlier, the moisture that is produced as a result of a hot shower, can provide excellent conditions for germ growth. So not only do we have dirt, but we also have temperature and moisture making the bathroom one of the dirtiest havens for bacteria growth in the home. When in the bathroom, you should pay special attention to the faucets, drains, the shower tub, floor area, toothbrushes, and bath towels. Pro-tip: when washing bath towels, don’t leave wet laundry in your washing machine – doing so can facilitate the growth of germs, and who wants to clean off with bacteria towels?
Which is the dirtiest of them all?
The kitchen, without any shred of doubt, takes the cake of being the dirtiest room in the house. The food in your kitchen is a vector of some of the most putrid, vile substances. Bacteria can be commonly found in foods such as red meat and raw poultry. Hence, many appliances, items, and utilities in the kitchen are contaminated with bacteria. But, what is the dirtiest object in your kitchen, you ask? Well, here’s an interesting fact for you! Your kitchen sponge is, by far, the dirtiest object in your home! How so? Well, isn’t it responsible for cleaning up all the vegetables, carcasses of meat, and different sorts of foodstuff that can potentially contain pathogenic bacteria?
If you want to prevent the spreading of germs, it is essential for you to keep your things clean. Practicing good habits such as removing your shoes before entering your home and washing your hands after using the bathroom or touching raw food can go a long way in keeping the germs in check.